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Beautiful effects for such an affordable price. I'm very happy about my purchase and I'm looking forward to buy more in the future as well ! Do you plan to sell the effects in bundles later on? Because that will definitely be added to my shopping list :)

I have used your asset in my small game and linked your page in the credit description. Thank you again for the nice creation :)

Heyyyy! Thank you for your kind words man!
Yeah, I'm interested to make a bundle in some future.
Thanks for leaving a comment!
Give me a link to your game so I can take a look.

Your style of drawing is so beautiful, if you ever make any ice themed explosions, or thunder/lightning effects, i would also buy for sure!

Ohhh...thank you man!
Your Ideas sounds fun, I may make them in the future.
Thank you! :>

These are great! What is the licensing? Can this be used in personal/commercial projects?

Yes, you can use it in personal or commecial projects 👍

Just because I'm extra cautious about this stuff, could you also confirm that all your other assets for sale currently are also ok to use? I know this has been asked in the past but I'd like to ask as well for my own record. Thanks a bunch :)

Yes, this also applies to every other assets in this store xd

These explosions are beautiful! Thanks so much!   (:

Oh Stop It, You | Know Your Meme


Can I use these as part of skeletal animation characters?

These characters later go on to become part of individual commercial character/character set packs, so I figured I would ask first!
Deleted 3 years ago

The Sowftware is called Spine!